Sumatra: New huge road building project in north Sumatra threatens critically endangered elephants!

Sumatra: New huge road building project in north Sumatra threatens critically endangered elephants! One-third of Sumatras remaining 1,700 elephants are tenuously surviving in Northern Sumatra in Aceh (the most northern tip of Sumatra).

Highlights of this article:

......Authorities in the Indonesian province of Aceh are planning 12 road-building projects through 2022, some of which will cut through the habitat of critically endangered Sumatran rhinos.

......The species is already under threat from forest fragmentation, which has isolated rhino subpopulations and led to the biggest threat to the animal: the inability to find other rhinos to mate with.

......Conservationists have called for full protection of the Leuser Ecosystem in Aceh to safeguard the rhinos’ habitat from the road projects.

But even in a protected part of the ecosystem, Gunung Leuser National Park, deforestation is already taking place on the fringes.

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Philip Price